
Oke Ngute

Heart Gasping Medical Magician

Oke Ngute, a distant relative of Nopa Ngute, the first Veinlord, was a medical magician known for their spell that cursed heart gasping, along with their complex pet theories about the causes and transmission of the disease.

Mental Characteristics

Personal History

Oke grew up in a well-known family, bearing the same name as Nopa Ngute. They were raised by their biological parents as their first child and they had a fairly normal Kalora childhood in Tiyo.

At an early age, Oke showed a passion for medical magic. When learning the basics of magic as taught by their parents, they were fascinated by internal magic and found external magic to be unnecessary. Sure, pulling something from across the room with just a snap was handy, but it was far more interesting to snap and watch someone's hand double in size or a deep cut to be instantly healed.

Their parents nurtured this fascination and by the time Oke was an adult, they agreed to help Oke go to Yoozii, a city in the Tyumum Federation known for its many academies and schools. One of their schools is the Kvotomschiizh school, a trade school for medical magicians. The school emphasizes both research of existing medical magician documentation as well as experimental methods to treat new disease that currently have no known cure, because medical magicians can be trained in their hometown much easier and for much simpler reasons. But Oke had a goal, and they went to Yoozii in order to obtain it.

At Kvotomschiizh, Oke was determined to set themselves apart, and regularly worked longer hours than everyone else. They did not make many friends there; they were focused so hard on their craft that their strongest bonds were with the instructors.

After four years, Oke completed the program and had a shiny new badge proving that they had been there and passed. The badge of Kvotomschiizh is well known and is used by medical magicians as advertisements for their practice once they've attained it.

After returning home to Tiyo, Oke stayed with their family again and almost fell in love. One of their relatives was having a child, and it was possible that Oke and their partner could take care of them. Because that partner never manifested, Oke went without the child and found that they were satisfied with that. Children could either wait another time or be avoided altogether. Oke had a different goal.

They decided to establish a private practice in Tyush, a bustling marketplace where many cultures came together and offered their wares, goods, and services. On their way, they felt something strange in their chest, and they realized that they were experiencing heart gasping, a little understood disease that Oke had read about in their studies but had never given much thought to it.

Using their advanced medicinal skills, they were able to rule out other diagnoses, but needed the help of another medical magician in order to completely rule out other conditions like lung or bone problems. But they did, and once they confirmed it was heart gasping, they set to work to unravel the secrets of the mysterious disease.

After years of work and treating patients, Oke successfully came up with a magical spell that cured heart gasping. This earned them fame across the whole world and people came to them just to be treated by the master.

But heart gasping had truly stolen Oke's mind. While their magical spell worked and the magical underpinnings behind it were understood and within normal practice, Oke began to develop pet theories to explain how they had acquired the disease. The idea of it being random, which it was as far as anyone knew, bothered them. They couldn't get the idea out of their head that something had triggered this inside them.

Speculating on the events that led up to their first heart gasping episode, Oke began to preach the idea that everyone is capable of heart gasping. Triggers to activate the condition were cold weather and stress, as those were the two defining things that had been part of Oke's life as they set about their journey south from the freezing city of Tiyo. They developed this theory further and began to publish documents expanding upon it. When they had their second heart gasping condition, they published with even more fervor. The works became sloppier and longer, full of ranting and babbling.

Fewer patients came to their practice, as word within the medical magician community started to turn against Oke. Others began to say that focusing on the causes was fruitless and that the ideas they had developed were way too flimsy to be proposed as deep truth. Oke argued against their detractors, resulting in more publications, but the damage was done.

Oke lived out the rest of their life as a well-known but disreputable medical magician whose contributions to the field were respected, if questioned.

Gender Identity

Kalora genders are used primarily for religious purposes. Unexcited by ceremonies, Oke discovered other cultures genders early on and felt a kinship with khuuv Rarons. Adopting their preferred styles and using their pronouns, they felt comfortable in their skin and preferred the stabler sense of identity, rather than taking off their gender and discarding it at the end of the day. They often wore sashes adorned with beads of many colors, and friends were often gifted sashes of their own.


Growing up, Oke believed that they were interested in sex. Sex was a bonding activity between adults in love, and the idea of being loved was something that they craved. However, as they grew older, they began to feel an apprehension toward sex and the inevitable discomfort that might cause. They worried that someone would misunderstand their gender or want to do things that Oke had no interest in. It wasn't until they reached Yoozii that they realized that they never had to have sex if they didn't want to. Relieved, Oke accepted that truth and manifested it: they never had sex.