Ghube was considered a rather weak Veinlord and fell victim to a
shadow river: her spouse Nova Khogieh̨e made most of the decisions during her
rein. It was rumored that Nova tried to convince Ghube to transfer
the zibeke over to them, but both fiercely denied this claim when it
was first introduced.
Physical Description
General Physical Characteristics
Ghube was a person of good health, except she had a condition
known as
heart gasping. She lived in a time before the cure for heart gasping was
created, so she spent their life with episodes of mysterious
chest pains near her heart that she found alarming, but she
never seemed to cause any lasting harm. Still, she was careful
to avoid overexertion just in case.
Physical Quirks
Ghube was always smiling. Sometimes it was a nervous response,
other times it was an inappropriate response to anger, but she
smiled all of the time.
Special Abilities
Ghube was granted the power of the zibeke of the Gheh̨u River.
This powerful source of magic allowed her to perform miraculous
spells. While Nopa Ngute, the first Veinlord, discovered the
power of necromancy via river magic, Nopa had done so with a
large population of fish. Ghube was the first to discover that
this magic could return the lives of individual people, after
the death of her parent at the hands of the ocean where his boat
had capsized among the rocks during a squall.
They found his body battered along the rocks. Bones broken, skin
lacerated by sharp edges, eye gouged out.
But even as Ghube wanted to scream, the zibeke promised it would
be okay. She didn't want to believe its promise, the river and
the ocean had just killed her parent unceremoniously, it would
not be okay. She could be the Veinlord, but she had not been
there and it had happened too quickly for her to save him.
The zibeke stabilized her shaking hands and directed them to
press down on his torso. The zibeke told Ghube to breathe
through her blubbering tears, and when she breathed she felt her
parent's chest rise and fall with her. Her heart gasping started
to kick in, a sharp aching in her heart, as if her heart was
going to burst out of her chest, as if she was giving up her
life to save his, but the zibeke assured her that it would be
okay. Watch.
With a start, her parent opened his eyes and Ghube smiled and
cried and couldn't stop smiling and crying. The zibeke did not
have the power to fix the wounds, but after they were able to
get a medical magician to help set his broken bones and heal the
eye socket so that it didn't get infected or worse. Her parent
only had three eyes for the rest of his life, but he had been
saved by the power of river magic.
Personality Characteristics
Nopa had been a fantastic Veinlord, inspiring the people around
them constantly. When Ghube was chosen, she was unsure, but Nopa
promised her that the zibeke had chosen her. Neither of them
knew the exact reason: rivers keep many secrets from their
After Nopa died, leaving her as the only Veinlord, she vowed to
continue their gentle reign over their community.
Soon, her motivations shifted from community-minded to more
personally-minded when she met her spouse Nova. Nova encouraged
her to think of the powers of the river as forces to achieve
their own ends and make their own paradise in the world around