Divine Domains
The earth, ground, and matter in a solid state are in the domain
of Dhûm. The manifestation of eir bulk and solidity are the
Kugma mountains themselves, as they are Dhûm's body after ey
finished creating the solid ground necessary for life.
created the sense of forward movement that allows growth, but
Dhûm lays the foundation.
Ey is also a god of rest. After eir work building the solid
ground and the seeds of living peoples, ey asked Zhok for rest
and was granted it, for Dhûm was beloved by Zhok.
Holy Books & Codes
Dhûm was the first of the minor gods revealed to the people.
According to the
Codex of Eyes, several people all reported dreams of the resting eyes of the
mountains closing over and over. These dreams were congregated
and compared against each other and it became clear that the
dreams referenced each other. The name Dhûm was arrived upon by
a conversation within a body family that dreamt the vision and
was adopted for use in the Codex.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Dhûm's symbol is the closed eye, represented by a single
parabola, or flattened U shape.
The first blizzard or winter storm of the year is celebrated
with communal bonfires, as it is believed that the snow piles on
top of the mountains at their highest before the wind has had
time to swept it away.
Divine Goals & Aspirations
Eir first goal was to create the foundation for living beings to
live in the world that Zhok created with its eyes. When that
goal was completed, eir goal was to rest forever while keeping
the bodies of the living beings close at hand.