The two moons, the sun, and the planet itself are the four eyes of
the god Zhok. It is slowly growing and opening more eyes and when
the final eye opens the world will explode into infinitely many
pieces, becoming infinitely many worlds. The religion that worships
it is called the
Infinite Eyes of Zhok.
Divine Domains
Zhok's fourth eye is the world of Mutania, two other eyes are
the two moons, and the first eye is the sun, and thus everything
is in its domain. It is associated primarily with growing things
and opening things, like flowers and doors.
The three elements recognized by believers are all controlled by
other divine powers. The one element that exists outside of
Zhok's control is air, governed by
Zhok is also the ruler of math. Multiplication and division are
central to its existence, and scholars of Zhok developed a math
system that included infinitesimals and the trapezoidal rule.
After the
Thîb Hihinkuh
died, it was decided to preserve the body to use as proof of its
existence. The taxidermied body is kept in its original home and
can be seen by anyone who asks. Doubters are often eager to see
the real proof, and some suggest that even the body is faked,
but many are rightfully convinced when they witness the Thîb
Hihinkuh for themselves.
Holy Books & Codes
Codex of Eyes
began with the Thîb Hihinkuh, who telepathically told its
parents about the future of Zhok and who wrote it down. This
initial text was copied diligently by its family and then
distributed to local communities. To the surprise of the family,
some people wrote back. Some wrote of their own visions and
dreams about the prophesized future, but others wrote back
poking holes in the cosmology and doubted the existence of the
child. These back-and-forths with apologists became foundational
texts that expanded into the full Codex.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The open eye is Zhok's symbol. Usually this is represented with
two concentric circles, but more elegantly it is four clustered
circles with concentric circles in all four, with one having
many rings. Community leaders will carve eyes into their tusks,
if they have any, or else will dye their fur or tattoo their
skin to bear Zhok's symbol.
At the beginning of the year, a festival is held to celebrate
the opening of a brand new eye, the eye of the year. Festivities
include group dances and communal feasts.
Divine Goals & Aspirations
Every day, minute by minute, the eye is growing new eyes that
are opening slowly. These eyes may not be visible to people, but
can be seen in the opening up of blooming flowers or in the
opening of doors. These eyes are numerous and growing, and when
there are open eyes everywhere, the fourth eye will burst into
an infinite number of pieces, each creating new worlds and
multiplying Zhok's existence.
Personality Characteristics
Zhok wants to expand its body. It wants to grow and develop and
become more.