

the Child with the Missing Eye

The eldest child of Pemija and Ota, Vamumuxe had significant magical power, but used most of it to help their mother create a hole in the border between worlds. They lost their eye when they tried to copy their mother and see the world on the other side, despite her warnings. The eye became the second smaller moon in the sky.


Divine Domains

Vamumuxe has dominion over certain fishermen who regularly use the second moon to anticipate tides that affect catch quantity and quality.

Mental Characteristics

Personal History

Pemija and Ota created their first child by taking a portion of Pemija's body and a portion of Ota's body and combined the astral material before building on the material. Like Ota, Vamumuxe became a bipedal creature, but they had long tusks and four large bulbous eyes, two set in their palms.

Failures & Embarrassments

After their eye was stolen and taken into the other world, Pemija wanted to banish her child for disobedience, but Ota convinced her to calm down and prevented further violence; however, Vamumuxe ran away and was never seen by their parents again.

Mental Trauma

After fleeing from their parents' view, Vamumuxe was attacked by another viba that bit off one of their arm. Bleeding astral molecules, Vamumuxe eventually threw themselves into the sea and willed themselves to dissolve until they returned to nothing.