Vibas, otherwise known as astral gods or divine creatures, are born
in a variety of ways. Their souls are collections of
astral particles
that start out as small molecules and then build onto each other
until long astral strands weave together the cells and then bodies.
Their bodies are varied and unique.
Basic Information
Due to the nature of their creation, each viba is unique. The
arrangement of body parts most often support sensory organs and
basic mobility, but it is not guaranteed: the only requirement
is that the creature is able to sustain itself, which it does
not necessarily need either for, see "dietary needs and habits"
for more information.
The two most typical body plans include a basic quadrupedal and
a basic bipedal shape. Using an even number of limbs for
ambulation is easiest, but many use other forms of location. For
has a long tail that she uses to slither from place to place.
Because the world of
and the world of
shared the same egg and the creatures are thus bound together,
there are other similarities between the sapient creatures. Four
eyes are typical and skin often either has fur or scales.
Genetics & Reproduction
When vibas intend to have children together, they sever pieces
of their astral body and nurture the pieces until they form
their own sapience. This is often done in pairs or groups of
three in order to maximize the control over the shape of the
child; a single parent could be likely to not be able to have
enough magic to control, and groups of larger than four can
cause underdevelopment in multiple directions instead of
development in a traditional growth pattern.
A viba is not necessarily a good parent, but they may not be a
bad one either. They may stay with the child and raise it
according to their rules, or they'll abandon the child to
survive on its own.
Growth Rate & Stages
The magical portions of the soul vary in how long it takes for
the magic to grant them sapience. Often, the pieces start as
small blobs of black astral material that floats in space. It
can be guided into other places by air currents or careful sound
Layers of astral molecules wrap around the shell of the new body
over and over until new features start to form.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Divine creatures are often cannibals. They eat their own kind to
survive. They can take the astral energy from one creature and
absorb that energy and merge it with their own. Some opt for
vicious violence for their kills, like ripping out hearts or
disemboweling their prey, but others prefer more magical
absorption methods using spells and astral magic.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
A viba possesses an innate ability to locate the source of
magic. The creation of the astral body is with astral molecules,
and therefore these molecules react with others. Usually this
results in some sort of auditory organ, as magic is most
affected by sound waves.