

the First Greatened

Sumiga first demonstrated the connection between wormstone and the mutations people were experiencing by using Lope's body in the first moti, or "show," used to illustrate Pemija's power and the way her children can manifest in the world. Lope grew an extra finger out of the back of hir hand, which convinced the first converts.

Later, after Sumiga died, Lope went on to spread the word of Pemija and became the first vubopa missionary, setting out on long treks through the main island where the city of Yalisi stands in order to show people the power of wormstone. Ze continually transformed, regularly handling wormstone with hir bare hands, and never looked the same for long. When ze died, they had a hardened shell on their back, eight spindly limbs, and a long snout.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Initially the transformations seen in Greatenings were small, such as the addition of a finger or the deterioration of an eye, but the more that Lope handled the wormstone the more significant the changes. Ze regularly gained and lost limbs, hir sensory organs were shuffled, and hir ability to move in the world was not consistent. Resorting to performing su moti on the ground if necessary, Lope did not ever outwardly express disappointment, regret, horror, or fear of the transformations that hir body underwent.

Body Features

By the end of hir life, they had a round hardened shell that covered the entirety of their back; eight long limbs with articulated joints, two useful for manipulating objects and four for ambulation; and a long snout that extended up to 2'.

Identifying Characteristics

When wormstone contact is removed, transformations stop and the portions of the astral beings are severed from the other side. Some mutations can overwrite others by mistake or on purpose, but in all of Lope's transformations the finger that stuck out of the back of hir hand remained the exact same as it did on the first day with Sumiga.

Mental Characteristics

Personal History

Lope was born in Yalisi to Sumiga, Pibi, and Palina. Pibi and Palina left Lope to be raised by Sumiga, who taught hir healing magic. While Lope was never as gifted as hir parent, Lope was still a skilled magician and looked up to them, seeing patient after patient healed and safe after their visits.


Sumiga had Lope undergo what was a common magical instruction at the time, which was personal and related to everyday activities, such as washing or cooking. Healing magic requires more magical energy than basic telekinesis or pyrokinesis, but instruction at the time focused on using the basic magical tools to create more complex effects, such as using telekinesis to mend the skin or use pyrokinesis to cauterize wounds.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lope became the first Greatened one. Others soon followed; some because they were skeptical of this being a hoax or a trick, and others because they believed right away and wanted to demonstrate their allegiance to Pemija. Regardless, Lope's transformation was one of the few first public mutations where an extension of the body occurred rather than the removal or deterioration of existing body parts.

Mental Trauma

When Sumiga died, Lope went through Sumiga's personal writings and discovered the many guilty notes and letters that they had written where they doubted the mission of Pemija and begged for forgiveness or understanding. Lope immediately burned them on sight, but the words on the paper are imprinted on hir mind.