

the mutative substance

Wormstone is a crystal that has mutational effects on those who handle it. Refined wormstone is used in Vopa rituals by harnessing the existing life force of an individual—and the power of Pemija, the great moon —and redirecting it into physical transformation of the body. Even secular Yalisi priests can use wormstone in minute amounts to attempt to cure ailments, but it's risky because of how unpredictable its effects are.


Material Characteristics

Wormstone is a crystal in shades of green with streaks of white. At night, it glows faint green.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is an orthorhombic crystal that is similar in properties to talc. It is relatively soft and breakable, easily scratched with a claw or hoof, and is semi-soluble in water.

Geology & Geography

The deep mines near the City of Yalisi on the main island house vast wormstonedeposits. Because of the difficulty of handling wormstone and the minute quantities required for religious and medical purposes, these mines are often shallow. If there are other places where wormstone can be found, they have not been located yet on the continent of Zige.

Origin & Source

Wormstone is mined near the city of Yalisi. The first vein of wormstone ore was covered over by the temple Najibu, the God Rock.

Life & Expiration

Wormstone is generally stable, but it can be eroded easily by water. When it's dissolved in water, it loses all transformative properties. If possible, Vopa priests try to drink any water that has directly come in contact with wormstone, so as not to show disrespect toward Pemija's gift.

History & Usage


Wormstone radiates a magical energy. To the Vopa, it is the power of Pemija and her children manifesting in the world of Vesi, the world . Many magical claims have been made: the power of clairvoyance, telepathy, and telekinesis have all been attributed to wormstone, but the most obvious effect is its mutational effect on any who touches it.

While mining for gold, miners encountered a vein of green crystals that went underground toward the main island. With further work, the shallow mine was revealed on the main island, exposing the naked rock to the population. The effects became noticeable immediately: people began to undergo transformations. These effects varied from changes in eye or fur color to sprouting additional limbs.

The medical magician Sumiga became the first person to truly understand the wormstone's power and used it in the first ari momiri, or Greatening ritual.

Everyday Use

Because of the unpredictable nature of the mutations, wormstone is not used daily by laypeople. Vubopas, or Vopa priests, carry wormstone with them on their person at all times to perform Greatening rituals to as many people as they can.

Cultural Significance & Usage

Wormstone is considered to be the remains of the teeth of Azatara, god of the other world after the first battles between worlds came to an end prematurely with the hatching of the divine egg. Pemija, goddess of the larger moon, commanded Sumiga to spread wormstone across the world and use it as a bridge between their worlds and let the bodies of her children manifest. As the Vopa says, kizabu di, "they are coming," and they use the wormstone to bring them here.

Because of its magical properties and associations with religion and medicine, wormstone is both highly revered and feared. The Vopa religion relies on the relationship between the individual body and the effects of wormstone.

One such ritual is ari momiri, the Greatening ritual. The ritual includes wormstone to deliberately induce mutations. A vubopa, priest, will take a small sample of wormstone and place it on the bare skin of a new convert to the religion. Immediately, if slowly, their body begins to host the astral form of one of Pemija's children. Physical transformations range from change in fur or scale color to the addition or removal of body parts and organs. The Greatening concludes when the convert collapses or can take no more.

Environmental Impact

After the discovery of wormstone, the volcanoes that occasionally erupted near the main islands started to become more active, spilling hot lava into the deep ocean trenches nearby. Some scholars suggest that this is a coincidence, as there is no noticeable effect on other natural phenomena, but because of its mysterious nature it is considered unwise to rule out the connection entirely.



To combat the mutational effects, the exposed wormstone deposit has been covered by the temple of God Rock.

Individual pieces of wormstone are housed in imozi, dedicated containers carried by vubopa.

Law & Regulation

It is a grave offense to the Yalisi gods to coerce someone into touching wormstone. Consequences include being forbidden from engaging in rituals where wormstone is used or, in very rare cases, complete ex-communication.