Items & Materials
- Communication boards
- Deeug shaam, fire lock
- Dhen pud, tart and cake filling
- Feather-telling wax, divination
- Fufuuz, rattle instrument
- Gaat, Rarite artist brace
- Gummy notes, "sticky notes"
Imozi, wormstone containers
- Kugma beads
Levegi's spoon
- Nitgaa, scarves with a hanky code
Nyai, personal books worn around the neck
- Nyai lockets, nyai decorations
- Nyai paste, for protecting pages in nyai
Obexu, doll imozi
- Pewa pipe, for smoking vudiro
- Ragond scissors
- Ragond teeth
- Stonecart, for wormstone
- Uhndsawfts, gloves
- Unyozeo harvesting boat
- Vudiro orb, lights for growing vudiro
- Xidipuge, duck kites