
the Depths

The DEPTHS is the D&D 2014 5e campaign we're running with our partners. The initial few sessions were a homebrew adventure that took place in the catacombs of the CHURCH OF BOCCOB in HOLLYWICK, but the remainder of the campaign will be the 2015 Wizards of the Coast adventure module OUT OF THE ABYSS.

In the Underdark, our adventurers will be tested as the demon lords begin to rise in power and influence after being released from the Abyss. SCORPIA is a changeling warlock with a fire genie named Sashanah the Gentle as her patron. ANNABETH BOUDREAUX is an adopted aasimar barbarian who grew up in the fire elemental plane and agreed to serve as Scorpia's bodyguard. DELIRIUM DARKFLAME is an infernal tiefling rogue bound to Loviatar, goddess of pain, and was taken in by Annabeth before joining Scorpia's entourage. They'll flee from pursuers, navigate dark caves filled with monsters, and learn to trust in each other's skills and abilities.

Session Reports: Hollywick

Session 1

Date: September 26th, 2024

In-game date: March 1st, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


Our adventurers, Delirium, Scorpia, and Annabeth, went to the Church of Boccob to investigate the source of their terrible nightmares.

They met the head priest, Servant Germand, who sought their help with stopping these nightmares that have been afflicting people.

After being granted access to the lower levels, they explored the first level underground, which featured many rooms tailored to meet the needs of the daily lives of the priests in the Church.

They descended to the second level below and gained access to a long hallway with a coffin visible at the other end.

Session 2

Date: October 3rd, 2024

In-game date: March 1st, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


With the help of Nell, our adventurers discovered the secret of the hallway leading to the head priest's tomb. Then, after deciding to avoid the tomb for now, they fought off mummified hands and wizard zombies in the lower levels of the Church of Boccob.

After defeating the zombies, they alerted the priests about the dangers lurking in their church. Annabeth and Delirium went back to Hollywick to recover, while Scorpia opted to stay at the Church for her well-deserved long rest.

Session 3

Date: October 12th, 2024

In-game date: March 2nd, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


Nightmares, nightmares, nightmares. Delirium, Annabeth, and Scorpia, among others, experienced another night of dread and chaos: dead flesh, twisting vines, blood smeared across stone, and the gibberish rantings of a unicorn.

Reunited after a night of attempted rest, our adventurers crept deeper into the catacombs. They set off traps (which hurt!) and made their way across a spiked pit before encountering a drow mage and two skeletons. Annabeth cleaved right through the mage, and the skeletons stood no chance. They earned their loot: several art objects, gems, and money.

On the way back through the halls to return back upstairs, they encountered a tunnel carved into the side of the pit. Down they went, encountering vines that Scorpia fended off with fiery eldritch blasts until they encountered a humanoid creature made of vines, insistent on their destruction, only to destroy it.

Session 4

Date: October 17th, 2024

In-game date: March 2nd, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


After burning vines through twisted tunnels, the adventurers found themselves before an evil tree. It grasped and walloped them, sending them back to recover.

They regrouped, and Germand gave Annabeth a flask of holy water. When they returned to defeat the tree blight, Scorpia and Delirium kept their distance while Annabeth surged forward and threw the holy water onto the blight, destroying it. When the evil dissipated, Bellissima the unicorn appeared.

She revealed that drow and mind flayers have been working together. They sowed the evil seed that poisoned her lair. She has promised them a favor as a token of her gratitude.

Session 5

Date: October 24th, 2024

In-game date: March 2nd-3rd, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


After stopping the nightmares plaguing the town of Hollywick, our adventurers rested and met with various people who offered their aid in the coming times. Scorpia earned Sashanah's Talisman; Eldath came to Annabeth and offered her the power of storms; and Delirium met with Zsofia, a member of the Thieves' Guild who told her to seek out her contacts in the Underdark.

The next day, they visited various shops and sellers and managed their money and inventory in preparation for the Underdark ahead.

Getting to the Underdark

That night after celebrating your success and preparing to find the drow, the drow come to you. The raid is initially silent save for the faint whoosh of wind on grass as they make their way through the nearby forest and toward the town.

Screams come from other rooms but before you can move, half a dozen drow and as many quaggoths are spilling into your room and, without speaking, shooting at you with crossbows. As you try to dodge them and get yourself out of bed, more drow come in, shooting you with more, until there are bolts stuck deep into your muscles, and you can feel the tang of poison start to cloud your vision.

There’s a thump as one of your bodies hits the floor, and the rest follow shortly after.

Your bodies are fitful as the drow carry you on simple litters, small baskets made of woven spidersilk stretched across long poles that allow the band to carry their prizes back to their outpost.

When you wake up, your mouths have been coated in a horrible substance that has dried and hardened, preventing you from moving your jaw or breathing out of your mouth. All of your items have been stripped from you, including the clothes on your back. You have been fitted with metal collars and manacles connected to metal belts, leaving you restrained, and given tattered tunics. The cold, heavy weight of metal is tight around your throat and wrists. Every so often, the litter lightens and the sounds of half-mumbled shouts and torn clothes end with gurgles of blood and snarling quaggoths chewing and spitting out gristle and bone. The stench of death, sweat, and poison lingers. Whenever anyone suspects you’re too awake, they shoot you with another crossbow to lull you back to sleep and rip out the bolt before you awaken.

By the time you arrive at Velkvynvelve, there is only the three of you in the litter. It has been at least two days since you’ve felt sunlight on your skin. You pass the southern watch guard and are taken along the stairs on the cliff face until you are dumped into the slave pen. You can still hear the snarling of quaggoths nearby.


You are now in Velkynvelve, a drow outpost. In the muddled time you made your way over to the slave pen, you passed by caves that lead to barracks and a dining hall to the south along the cliff face. You also passed a waterfall pouring into the cave cavern that creates a constant background noise, negating the cave’s tendency to amplify and carry sounds.

The outpost is located high in a cavern, built 100 feet above the rocky floor. There are four “hanging towers”–hollowed out stalactites connected by walkways, stairs, and rope bridges. The towers are concealed by the thick webs of giant spiders stretched below them, so that only the lowermost parts of the stalactites are visible from the cavern floor.

With the small amount of dim light used in the outpost shielded from the cavern floor below, one might walk the entire length of the cleft without becoming aware of the outpost overhead, hidden in the darkness above the range of torches and lanterns.

There is no doubt that giant spiders guard the towers, dropping down on their web strands to prey upon creatures that find their way into the cavern.

Day 1

Once inside the slave pen, you hear a tiny sneeze-like sound.

A new drow approaches and wraps her hands around the bars to drink you in. “Well, well, well… Shoor, you’ve outdone yourself. These three will make for fabulous slaves, worth a pretty penny. Did all go well?”

The woman standing on the other side of the slave pen door is a drow woman with spikey, sleek plated adamantine armor with purple spider silks to form a skirt and cape. At her hip in a holster is a rod with three tentacles that undulate menacingly in the air beside her. She stands tall and proud, long white hair tied up and flowing down her back, and she looks at you ravenously.

It’s the first time you’re able to understand the drow.

A beautiful drow man answers her, twirling a wand casually. He is wearing similar armor, but no fancy silks and his hair is cut short. He was the leader of your captors. “All went well, Mistress Ilvara. Had to feed the quaggoths along the way, but only civilians. Nothing of use on them. These three, however, are proper adventurers. Tons of good stuff in their belongings. I’ve distributed it among the soldiers.”

“Before I had a chance to look myself?” Ilvara snaps. “I decide what is worthy of keeping and what is to be wasted on the soldiers. Show me the spoils.”

Shoor and Ilvara leave you.

Session Reports: Out of the Abyss

Session 6

Date: November 14th, 2024

In-game date: March 6th, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


Scorpia, Annabeth, and Delirium were captured by Shoor, an elite drow warrior, and taken to Velkynvelve, an outpost in the lower Underdark near the Darklake, run by Mistress Ilvara, a high priestess of Lolth.

They met 10 fellow prisoners from various walks of life. Some of them seemed amenable to helping our adventurers to escape.

Annabeth learned about the southern passage that leads to the duergar Gracklstugh, or City of Blades, and the western passage that leads to the Darklake.

Scorpia peeked into the armory in the watch tower and located their stolen weapons.

Delirium became the object of mockery by the elite drow warrior Tolotel, who relished in ordering her around and reading aloud from her journal.

Session 7

Date: December 8th, 2024

In-game date: March 6th, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


Annabeth, Delirium, and Scorpia schemed together to try and find a way out of Velkynvelve, but were interrupted when the drow came by with more tasks for them to do.

Jorlan relieved the guards of watching Delirium's group and let them run around in Ilvara's and Shoor's quarters unsupervised. Delirium stole a needle from Ilvara's trapped chest.

After everyone was returned back to the pen, before the adventurers could formulate a plan, Jorlan offered Delirium a chance of escape: he would leave the gate unlocked and slow the changing of the guard. They could all jump down to the webs below and then jump into the pool to escape. Anything to embarrass Shoor and Ilvara.

Seizing their opportunity, the prisoners went to the armory first to acquire their armor, weapons, and most of their common items that weren't distributed amongst the soldiers or stolen by Ilvara. Ront was the lookout for the north watch guards, who ended up seeing what the fuss was all about. They were quickly taken care of, but not before severely injuring Ront and calling more drow to their aid.

Just as the majority of the drow warriors were on their way to stop them all from escaping, Scorpia burned the bridge and severed their ability to capture them or shoot their weapons. Then, out of nowhere came four chasme demons and two vrocks who distracted the drow while everyone managed to follow Jorlan's plan exactly.

Sarith recommended everyone make their way to the Darklake, where they could acquire boats to travel elsewhere after, so they dashed away, making their escape!



The droning, screeching, yelling, and battle fades as you run into the shadows leading to the northwest. You and your companions are all running as fast as you can, and the darkness swallows you. Cold, damp air struggles to fill your lungs and soon you’re squeezing through thin caves where some of you have to crouch or else risk your head scraping against the rocks above.

Slowly, as the minutes pass along on foot and you start to feel some relief from the fear of immediate capture, the walls start to expand into a more open area. A cloying sweetness starts to tug at your senses, and the gloom eases into a soft dim light. The gray and brown stone glows with a faint purple glow that seems to come from nowhere.

Before you is a fork. One part of the cave winds to the left and another to the right.

“Where are we going now?” asks Jimjar in the quiet. “We can go to Blingdenstone.”

“I want to return home to Gracklstugh, and it is much closer!” Buppido says immediately. “I know you all want to return to the surface, and there may be ways to go from there.”

“The nearest settlement is Sloobludop,” says Shuushar. “I can return home and encourage enlightenment in my people. You may also be able to use boats to take you elsewhere in your journey.”

"I want to return Sprout to its home in Neverlight Grove," Sarith says.

Session 8

Date: January 11th, 2025

In-game date: March 6th, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


After having escaped from Velkynvelve, our adventurers and the other prisoners decided to go to Sloobludop where they could acquire boats before traveling further into the Underdark in search for a way home.

They encountered a few obstacles along the way, starting with a small cliff that was easily overcome with Scorpia casting Spider Climb, and evolved into two patches of dangerous mold. The yellow mold was defeated by a rope and some of Derendil and Annabeth's strength. Only hurt Sarith took damage, inhaling some poisonous spores, but they were otherwise alright. The brown mold, which exuded an unnatural cold, was more of a challenge. Eldeth remembered that brown mold succumbs to cold damage. Initially stumped, they used precious water to freeze some of the mold and then ran through. Buppido took some cold damage, but they survived.

Just after the molds, the tunnel they were walking in caved in on either side, but it opened a new path. The path led to a fork of crumbling tunnel. One side was a dead end with more uneven rock, but the other led to a room. Just before they entered, a puddle transformed into a gray ooze and attacked the party, but they crushed and squelched it no problem. There was a lot of regular water on the floor, too.

As they turned a corner, they saw a drow skeleton hovering in the air along with a mace and some coins. Well, it wasn't hovering: Glabbagool the gelatinous cube had digested most of the drow, but spat out the remnants in an offer of piece. It was just curious about the adventurers and their world outside its own! Cordially stepping around for the adventurers to go ahead of it, Glabbagool happily followed after.

They found themselves entangled with a black pudding—no, two black puddings! Three! It was a challenge, and Annabeth took a lot of acid damage (along with her poor greataxe), but everyone survived just fine.

Glabbagool invited them to the "front door" of what was apparently a temple. Inside the room, there were kuo-toa worshipping the "Faceless Lord" and didn't take kindly to Shuushar's attempts at dissuading them from their faith. They attacked along with some other gray oozes, but the party defeated them.

After looting the bodies and acquiring goop, slime, and glue, the party now has to deal with the temple flooding that it's pouring in from another side tunnel.

Session 9

Date: January 25th, 2025

In-game date: March 6th-14th, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


After looting the bodies of the kuo-toa, the party decided to return back to the tunnel where the water was coming from. However, Scorpia misremembered the passage that they'd come through and accidentally fell into a black pudding. Derendil split the pudding in two with his claws, and one of the puddings nearly killed him. Luckily, the party pulled through, defeated the pudding, and revived him.

Delirium had the idea to swim up through the leaking ceiling to escape the temple. Scorpia swam with a rope and a spear and fastened it around a rock. Glabbagool heard Scorpia's telepathic desire to let the others know of her success, and it passed the information along so that everyone could scramble out of there.

Sarith and Shuushar confirmed that the river would lead them to Sloobludop. They began to follow it. Soon, they encountered a grove of mushrooms to harvest. They stayed there for a long rest. During the first watch, Derendil and Annabeth saw nothing. During the second watch, Delirium and Scorpia began to teach each other important languages. Derendil, hearing his mother tongue of Elvish, took the opportunity to recount his memories of home.

Sashanah appeared to Scorpia to return her talisman and also gave her a quest: to reach out to Themberchaud and let him know that Sashanah is an ally.

Delirium struggled with the terrible voice of Loviatar in her head, inspiring one harrowing episode of particularly deep fear. However, she also made sure to obscure the party's track and tried to use blood to lead their pursuers astray.

Buppido informed Scorpia that Themberchaud is the dragon that lights the forges of Gracklstugh.

After eight days of travel, the party was almost at Sloobludop. With just a little ways to go, Shuushar and Scorpia tried to cross the river, but they were ambushed by several kuo-toa. The kuo-toa kept throwing nets on the lot of them, calling out their intentions to capture them for the "Deep Father" "Leemoogoogoon." The party slayed each and every one, with Annabeth's lightning-storm rage dealing significant damage.

Just as they rested to recover their strength, a new group of kuo-toa arrived. Ploopploopleen, archpriest of the Sea Mother Blipdoolploop, believes the party is the answer to his prayers. He offers them a reward for helping him, and he will explain further as he leads them to the kuo-toa city.

Session 10

Date: February 9th, 2025

In-game date: March 14th, year 191 of the Barony of Ode


Ploopploopeen announced that the adventurers were his god's answers to his prayers. His beloved town of Sloobludop has been divided. Kuo-toa turned away from the Sea Mother in favor of Leemooggoogoon, the Deep Father, including his own daughter! Bloppblippod has become an arch-priest in her own right, and she's been using her power and influence to sacrifice innocent people in the name of her god.

Ploopploopeen asked the adventurers to assist him by pretending to be sacrifices for the Deep Father. After swayed by his appeal for the good of his people and community (and the contents of his chest), they agreed, leaving Shuushar, Topsy, and Turvy behind.

Just as Bloppblippod went to sacrifice the adventurers, Ploopploopeen struck! Thus began a frenzied battle with kuo-toa on either side taking up their spears for the good of their god. After a series of devastating attacks of Scorpia's Cloud of Daggers and Ploopploopeen's lightning scepter, Bloppblippod cried out "Leemooggoogoon!", completing the ritual.

Fom the Darklake, a horrific monster standing over 30 feet high rose out of the lake! With oily long tentacles for arms and two hideous baboon heads, he cried his foul cry and began attacking the city. The sight was so terrifying that Delirium experienced a sudden urge to protect herself with a lucky charm: her thieves tools. The adventurers rushed over to Ploopploopeen's house to collect their friends (and the reward), but Eldeth fled to escape the town by boat, and Shuushar ran into the fray of confused kuo-toa to try and see what he could do to aid his community. Considering their resources and ability to find their way, they opted to take the land route to Gracklstugh.

After escaping the kuo-toa town, they began proceeding through a long tunnel. Four drow walked past them without giving any of them a second look. Delirium asked Sarith if they knew them, but all they did was make a confused weird face and suggested they pass on.