New Words
Ague: n. A fever (such as malaria)
marked by paroxysms of chills, fever, and sweating that recur at
regular intervals.
Anabasis: n. An advance; an
Bedizen: trans v. To ornament or dress
in a showy or gaudy manner.
Blowsy: adj. Having a sloppy or
unkempt appearance or aspect.
Callow: adj. Lacking adult
sophistication; immature.
Caul: n. 1. The large fatty omentum
covering the intestines (as of a cow, sheep, or pig). 2. The
inner fetal membrane of higher vertebrates especially when
covering the head at birth.
Chary: adj. Discreetly cautious.
(Archaic) dear, treasured.
Cicatrix: n. A scar left by the
formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.
Creel: n. A wicker basket, especially
one used by anglers for carrying fish.
Demurral: n. The act or an instance of
demurring (taking exception; objecting).
Etiolate: intrans v. To cause (a
plant) to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to
sunlight. To cause to appear pale and sickly.
- Fardel: n. A bundle.
Foment: trans v. To arouse or incite
(trouble, for example).
Gamine: n. A girl who hangs around on
the streets.
Gemelliparous: adj. Producing twins.
Gorget: n. A piece of armor protecting
the throat.
Grimalkin: n. An old female cat.
Hawser: n. A cable or rope used in
mooring or towing a ship.
Hisbid: adj. Covered with stiff hair
or bristles.
Ignivomous: adj. Throwing out fire, as
a volcano does.
Indigent: adj. Suffering from extreme
Insouciance: n. Lack of interest or
Limn: trans v. 1. To draw or paint on
a surface. 2. To outline in sharp detail.
Mawkish: adj. Excessively and
objectionably sentimental. Or, having a sickening taste. Apt to
cause satiety or loathing; nauseous; slightly nauseating;
Medlar: n. A deciduous European tree
(Mespilus germanica) in the rose family, having white flowers
and edible apple-shaped fruit.
Menhir: n. A large stone set upright
in olden times as a memorial or monument.
Midden: n. A mound or deposit
containing shells, animal bones, and other refuse that indicates
the site of a human settlement.
Moraine: n. A mass of rocks and
sediment carried down and deposited by a glacier, typically as
ridges at its edges or extremity.
Odalisque: n. A woman slave in a
Perfidy: n. The quality or state of
being faithless or disloyal; treachery.
Plausive: adj. Manifesting praise or
Quiescent: adj. Marked by inactivity
or repose: tranquilly at rest.
- Runnel: n. Rivulet, streamlet.
Rusticate: intrans v. To go into or
reside in the country; follow a rustic life.
- Sapid: adj. Flavorful.
Sartorial: adj. Relating to tailoring.
- Seism: n. An earthquake.
Sere: adj. Being dried and withered.
- Shive: n. (Archaic) slice.
Snood: n. A bag typically made of net
fabric that is worn at the back of the head to keep a woman's
hair in place.
Specious: adj. Having a false look of
truth or genuineness.
Sump: n. A low space that collects
often undesirable liquids such as water or chemicals.
Supperate: intrans v. To form or
discharge pus.
Surfeit: n. An overabundant supply;
Verdigris: n. Any of a variety of
somewhat toxic copper salts of acetic acid, which range in color
from green to a bluish-green depending on their chemical